
01: Line-Following Robot | V-Rep Tutorial

This video shows the step-by-step implementation of modelling a line following robot using the Virtual Robotics Experimentation Platform (V-REP) simulator, which can be downloaded for free at https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/. The line following robot uses Ackermann steering and uses 3 light sensors to follow a line.

Please download the required files at:


or at


The contents are covered include:

00:00 – Introduction
00:43 – Generating a path for your robot to follow
10:25 – Vision sensors addition to your model
22:02 – Graphing vision/light sensor data
27:16 – Vision sensor measurement use in the script
37:59 – Orthographic vs projective vision sensors
41:46 – BONUS: Final Line Following Robot

You can download the sample model that I use as part of the tutorial at: https://ubcomechatronics.com/dralgorithmstrikesagain/

I apologize for any mistakes that I made in the video as I am still new to V-REP. There may be better/easier ways of implementing these concepts.

The V-REP manual has some excellent step-by-step tutorials and is available at:https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/index.html

Post time: Dec-27-2016
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