A recording of the BBC World Service radio interview I took part in this morning, discussing the Uber controversy in South Africa.
To quote the founder of Uber from a recent talk on the next 5 years of the company (https://newsroom.uber.com/2015/06/5-years-travis-kalanick/):
“A city that welcomes Uber onto its roads will be a city where people spend less time stuck in traffic or looking for a parking space; a city where people will spend less of their income on cars or commutes.
It will be a city that spends less money building parking garages, parking lots, or expensive new public transportation.
It will be a smarter city, where we can share data and technology that will help improve everything from parking issues to traffic light patterns.
It will be a cleaner city, where fewer cars on the road will mean less carbon pollution – especially since more and more Uber vehicles are low-emission hybrid vehicles.
And a city with Uber will be a more prosperous city – a city where more people and small businesses have access to more affordable transportation than ever before; a city where there will be tens of thousands of new jobs created in a couple years.”
Post time: Feb-27-2017