Complete article with details:
BreadBoard Layout:
‘How to’ video on Project 4- Traffic Lights. Version 2 of the BreadBoard Projects For Beginners Series (with 5 projects).
Link to Version 1 (with 10 projects):
Other 4 projects are:
#1 Firefly
#2 Alternate Flashing LED Lights
#3 MultiColor LED Lights (w/ an RGB LED)
#5 Fastest Finger First (Game)
The fourth project will introduce the 4017 counter IC along with the 555 timer, to make these cool automatic timer controlled Traffic Lights. The 555, again is wired in astable mode, which produced pulses of specific frequency. These pulses are then sent to the 4017 which counts them, and sets the first pin High. On successive pulses, it makes all the pins high one by one then again starts from zero. You may see in the circuit that the maximum number of pins are connected to the green LED, which means that it will glow the longest. On the other hand, the red one will glow the shortest. Diodes are added here to prevent reverse flow of current into the output pins.
You must connect everything as per the layout. Power up the project and see if it works. Again, you may experiment with the capacitor and two resistors connected to pins 6,7,8 to vary the timing of each light. Try connecting more number of output pins to the yellow LED instead of green and notice the variations.
Difficulty: Medium
Parts Used:
1x NE555 IC
1x CD4017 counter IC
1x 10uF Capacitor
1x 0.1uF Capacitor
3x LEDs (Red, Yellow/Orange, Green)
3x 100 ohm Resistors
2x 100K Resistors
1x 22K Resistor
6x IN4007 or 1n4148 Diodes
Circuit Source:
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Post time: Jun-13-2017