
9/11 – Did Flight 77 Really Crash into The Pentagon? – 3 Conflicting “Official” Black-Box Animations

9/11 revisited – Why do the NTSB Black Box animation and FAA/NORAD produced animation of Flight 77 disagree with the Official narrative of the Pentagon attack shown at the 9/11 Commission Hearings?

The National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) produced animation (2002) and the FAA/NORAD produced animation (2008) show quite clearly that what was claimed to be Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon. The Government would not fabricate an erroneous depiction of the “aircraft’s” flight path, so what conclusion is to be drawn from these “Official” flight animations that were claimed to have been derived from Flight 77′s Flight Data Recorder, which are completely counter to the 19-hijacker conspiracy theory.

Here are three conflicting “official Government produced” flight animations of American Airlines Flight 77′s approach to the Pentagon on 9/11. The angle of the damage trough the building – from the initial impact hole in the outer “E” Ring through to the “C” Ring “punch-out” hole – absolutely requires the approach path where the five light poles were downed – which is the 9/11 Commission’s version.

However the NTSB (whose specific job it is to analyze air disasters) Black Box Recorder animation has the aircraft much too high and too far to the left and in a constant 4,600 feet-per-minute dive up to the point where the animation ends two-seconds before reaching the Pentagon – not skimming the lawn as the “Official” 9/11 Commission narrative requires [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlbqxqYlGnc ]. And, the FAA/NORAD animation also has the aircraft much too far to the left and also approaching at the wrong angle to have created the angle of damage – but in this case – in a constant right banking turn to impact, which would have dug the right wing into the ground well before impact with the building.

Both the NTSB and the FAA/NORAD version have the plane approaching at an angle which could not possibly have created the damage to the building nor hit the light poles. If the Official NTSB flight animation is correct it raises the question of “what” did hit the Pentagon?

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vqDDlS9Hyw - "9/11 Pentagon Attack Flight 77 FDR NTSB Animation" (full 1:30:00 flight from take-off to 2 seconds before the Pentagon which is where the Flight Data Recording ends)]

Flight 77′s Black Boxes were said to have been found on 9-14-01 and given to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for analysis. On 2-19-02, the NTSB issued it’s report “Flight Path Study – American Airlines Flight 77” which utilized data from the Flight Data Recorder, Air Route Traffic Control Centers’ radar, and USAF 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron. From this data the NTSB created a flight animation of Flight 77.

In light of the exemplary reputation of the NTSB for the accuracy of its investigations, it’s perplexing that a different animation was used at the 9/11 Commission Hearings instead of the official animation the NTSB produced from Flight 77′s “recovered” Flight Data Recorder. Was it because the NTSB animation showed that the aircraft did NOT hit the Pentagon?

Was American Airlines Flight 77 even scheduled to fly on 9/11?
Prior to sometime in 2004 the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) website for September 11, 2001 showed no record of a Flight 77 or a Flight 11[ Evidence that Flights AA 11 and AA 77 Did Not Exist on September 11, 2001 - https://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa_flts/aa_flts.htm ]. Then, in 2004, Flight 11 and Flight 77 were “added” to the BTS data for 9/11/2001 but they show no departure time nor an aircraft tail number – this link includes a screen capture of the “new” Flight 11 data: https://letsrollforums.com//happened-passengers-4-flights-t20496.html?s=8086c7378cb4c997adf4957221feb738&

Flight 93 – UA: Newark, NJ — Newark International https://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa_flts/bts/ua93departure.htm

Flight 175 – UA: Boston, MA — Logan International https://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa_flts/bts/ua175departure.htm

Flight 11 – AA: Boston, MA — Logan International https://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa_flts/bts/aa11nondeparture.htm

Flight 77 – AA: Washington, DC — Washington Dulles International https://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa_flts/bts/aa77nondeparture.htm

Pilots for 911 Truth – “9/11 Pentagon – Flight AA77 NTSB FDR Data Clarifications” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyEAxh5r5y0

The documentary Donald Trump suppressed –
Teaser – https://trumpthemovie.com/watch/
Full length – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkUFUkvNYAQ
[ https://www.weeklystandard.com/trump-the-documentary/article/1002392 ]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8095BqQsVU&t=6s – ART OF DECEPTION – Pseudo of the United States

Post time: May-26-2017
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