
AVR Traffic Lights

A very simple AVR project, built around an Atmel Atmega8 microprocessor. The project was made for my daughters, so they’d have something to do besides bugging me to make them something new.. ;)

The idea is that this board functions as a controller for a central, 4-way traffic light, that is attached to a post, creating a realistic street intersection.

Parts list:
1 ATmega8 (could have done it with an even simpler processor, but..)
1 7805 5V regulator
2 red LEDs
2 yellow LEDs
2 green LEDs
6 330 ohm resistors (SMD 0805 used here)
3 100nF capacitors (SMD 0805)
1 330nF capacitor (SMD 0805)
6-pin male header (ISP programming connector)
1 JST plug pair (battery connection to screw terminal, optional)
1 screw terminal (pair)

The PCB was etched.

Post time: Jun-18-2017
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