
BMP180 Interfacing with Pi in Detail | JAVA | Pi4J | Raspberry Pi #25

This video is all about interfacing BMP180 module with Raspberry Pi. BMP180 will help us to measure environmental temperature and pressure and by using that we can calculate the altitude which can be used in various applications like weather monitoring, navigation etc. The BMP180 sensor module comes with I2C interface and with a default address 0×77 which is not configurable limiting stacking of multiple modules to that same I2C bus.
Links :
Website (BOSCH SensorTec): https://bit.ly/2kFHiA6
Schematic : https://bit.ly/2lnGk9w
Code : https://bit.ly/2lf9glB
Datasheet : https://bit.ly/2jUJNPu
JAVA on Raspberry PI ; https://bit.ly/2eB1O2K

Buy BMP180 : https://amzn.to/2jVbToN
Buy Arduino : https://amzn.to/2kzN04g

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Please watch: “DHT12 Temp & Humidity Sensor Interfacing with PI | Raspberry Pi #27″


Post time: Jun-19-2017
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