
Chief’s Update: Contractors, Traffic Lights, Fire Dept., Pan Am, Border Crossing

Local Contractors – Six Nations Public Works is compiling a list of local contractors to potentially be used in the upcoming Youth and Elders Centre and the new Fire Hall construction projects, as well as any other major Six Nations construction projects thereafter. To qualify, you must have WSIB, be a registered Band member and be adequately qualified in your area of expertise, whether it is local painters, drywallers, etc. If your business is involved in any aspect of constructing a building and meets the criteria, we would like to hear from you. Please contact Laura Beaver at the Public Works Office at 519-445-4242.

Highway 6 – We have had accidents at the corners of different roads leading into Highway 6 in the past little while, which has caused a lot of concern to everyone. Council has written to the Minister of Transportation asking if we can meet to discuss whether it might be possible to put stop lights on the roads leading from the reserve on to Highway 6. Hopefully, he will agree to meet and we can do something jointly to prevent more accidents from happening on that highway.

Fire Hall – We have received $2 million from Grand River Enterprises for the construction of the new Fire Hall. We are most grateful to GRE for making this contribution to our community service. Plans are progressing with the design and construction of this new facility.

Senior Relief Fund – Council does have a Senior Relief Fund, which is administered by our Ontario Works office. This Fund is in place to help our Seniors with emergency expenses. Seniors can obtain the criteria for this Fund from the Ontario Works office.

Pan Am Games – The Six Nations Pan Am Games Committee is beginning to plan activities that we want to do at Six Nations during the Pan Am Games that are being held in July and August 2015. We are looking at hosting Festivals, Talent Showcases, Tours, Arts and Crafts Sales, etc. We are also hoping to entice some of the athletes/teams to consider using our facilities as practice venues. All of this is going to cost some money, so we are seeking sponsors to assist with the cost of those activities. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help with our activities or with the Pan Am Games in Toronto, they can contact Kevin Sandy through the Council office.

Project Skate Park – A group of young people in our community have been doing fund raising for a Skate Board Park to be located near the arena on land that the Elected Council has designated for this purpose. Their total budget was $250,000 and, as of September 15th, 2014, they only need $7,000. They are hoping to start construction in a couple of weeks, which will enable a Grand Opening of the Park next June. They are continuing with their funding raising efforts and are accepting all personal donations. Please support these hard working kids!

Border Crossing Summit – We heard a number of different presentations including one from the Pascua/Macqui Tribe in Tuson, Arizona, who has their own enhanced card for border crossing. We also heard about the many issues that the community of Akwesasne has to deal with. Representatives of the Department of Homeland Security were at the conference and seemed quite willing to work with the First Nations and Tribes. Most of the problems, however, seem to be with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and, unfortunately, they did not have any representatives in attendance at this summit. We also heard from the youth and the problems they experience in crossing the border at Akwesasne. We are going to be working with Akwesasne and other First Nations in trying to meet with CBSA to start addressing these issues.

Post time: Jun-05-2017
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