
Chronicle Demo


Chronicle is an iPad application designed to help teachers implement best practices in their classrooms.

Created by husband and wife teachers, Chronicle can be used to drive instructional decisions, provide valuable feedback, and communicate student growth and needs through the accumulation of rich, informative student data.

Chronicle is ideal for Reading and Writing Workshop but can be used in any subject to:
• efficiently take customizable notes (conferring notes or observational notes) and apply them
to individuals and small groups.
• capture photo, video, and/or audio notes.
• track formative assessments of learning objectives, learning behaviors, or social behaviors
using a unique Traffic Light design.
• create digital student portfolios by designating any note (text, photo, video, and audio) as an
• align teaching with the Common Core Standards (*importing of these standards is optional).
• record and track student progress using an integrated and multifaceted grade book.
• view and share data in a variety of ways.
• promote school-wide collaboration by securely passing data from one year’s teacher to the next.
• keep data safe (capable of being password protected, and data can be backed up and restored via iCloud and Dropbox).

Post time: Mar-25-2017
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