
Comcast Xfinity’s repair trucks may have caused multiple slide offs and collision.

Filmed – 12/13/16

UPDATE PLEASE READ: I wanted to clear up many questions and concerns people have had. The cops were called immediately after the first slide off. I called them personally myself and they were called again after the collision. They arrived around 30-40 minutes after the collision.

After the first Comcast truck appeared and the first slide off happened, we went to the top of the hill and slowed down traffic as much as we could.

The first Comcast truck then left the scene. You can see me at the top of the hill when he passes on the left of me. I retrieved some yard signs to act as warnings and was at the top of the hill when the second truck arrived. I then had the conversation with the second Comcast worker. The individuals that slid off were asking what he said and I went down to tell them. This is when the second truck pulled into the same location placing four cones down. Moments later the accident happened.

My wife was in the front yard taking coffee and hot chocolate orders for the people stuck from the slide offs. After she was almost hit, I was obviously more agitated. Then is when I talked to the worker again and then one of the drivers that slid off moved the yard signs to block the road and redirect traffic around a community.

Just to review:
- I did call the police
- I did help slow down traffic
- Some drivers were going too fast for conditions
- The truck that hit the car was going way too fast and ran off after the accident
- I did not film this to try and get anyone fired
- I did not upload this to try and make it go viral
- I contacted Comcast about the situation before uploading the video.
- I let Comcast know I had additional footage
- UPDATED: Comcast has contacted me to apologize today 12/15/16
- Threats have been turned over to the police and will continue to be

There is much more video that shows all of what I explained that is not in this short 3 min piece. I was concerned for everyone’s safety including the workers. Everyone needs to realize that this took place in about an hour time span. You are seeing a small window of it. To call for the heads of the workers, drivers, or us documenting it is just wrong. Please stay safe out there… SLOW DOWN… and have a Merry Christmas.

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Post time: May-01-2017
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