
ConTessa: Night’s Black Agents Demo

_”OK, boss… hacking the traffic light now… this’ll slow down that old bastard– woah! What’d he just do there? We’re gonna have to get creative now!”_
System: Gumshoe/Nights Black Agents

Experience Level Required: None. Doesn’t need to know anything about the system before playing.

Minimum Players: 2
Maximum Number of Players: 5

Required Materials: Google Hangouts, a microphone, and roll20 (for dice rolling). 

Description: Jump into this quick demo of Night’s Black Agents, the international vampiric conspiracy thriller game by Pelgrane Press!

*Note:* This is a 1-hour demo. Pre-gens provided.

*To sign up:*  Leave a comment that you’d like to sign up for the game. Once you do, I will + you in a comment telling you that you’re confirmed for play! I will also be taking a few alternates. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and I’ll see you on the 16th! Clicking “Yes, I’ll watch” does *not* reserve you a spot in this game.

+Keith Mageau 
+John Cotter 
+Devin Parker 
+Jeroen van Lier

Post time: Jun-14-2017
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