
Dangerous Traffic Lights :: Shortening light times for profit

Dangerous Traffic Lights :: Shortening light times and installing red light cameras for profit.

The U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration guideline states that traffic signals should remain yellow no less than 3 seconds.

A complex formula accompanies this guideline, increasing the duration of the yellow light to allow for driver reaction (2.3 seconds average) and deceleration.

At 45mph, the minimum duration of a yellow light is 4.5 seconds.

The formula allows for a window of 4 to 5.5 seconds to allow drivers the opportunity to stop or clear the intersection before the light turns red.

This time is increased for larger intersections. It is also recommended that yellow light times be extended to allow for driver error.

For the sake of profit, cameras are installed and yellow light durations are being shortened, all to automate revenue collection.

The evidence shown was provided by ViolationInfo.com. The ticket was for $158.00. Watch the video and pay attention to how long the light is yellow, how many drivers drove through normally, and how many made “emergency” stops.

The light turned red in just under 3 seconds. Blow the federal guidelines. Any cars in the “window” where they should continue are caught “running” the red light.

6 cars “ran” the red light. Only the car turning right slowed. This light cycles every 3 minutes. This single incident cost the drivers $948.

As reported in “The Suncoast News” on December 19, 2009, opponents of the light camera cite an increase in rear-end accidents due to drivers making panic stops.

The city states none of them were due to the cameras.

Of course not. The drivers were surprised to see the red light change, and made panic stops.

“The St. Petersburg Times” reported on September 29, 2009, that the traffic cameras are not about safety, but are about revenue.

In the first year of operation, this camera made the city $264,000, and was directly responsible for giving all city employees a 2% pay increase.

I work for my money. Fundraising in this manner is not safe, nor acceptable.

— some references —


“The MUTCD specifies that the duration of the yellow change interval should be between 3 and 6 seconds.”



“Chang et al. found that 85 percent of drivers stopped if they were more than 3 s from the stop line, regardless of their speed. Similarly, they found that drivers less than 2 s from the stop line would almost always continue through the intersection. ”

Chang, M.S., C.J. Messer, and A.J. Santiago. “Timing Traffic Signal Change Intervals Based on Driver Behavior.” Transportation Research Record No. 1027. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1985, pp. 20-30.

Post time: Jun-15-2017
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