
Electronic systems for preventing traffic accidents, free of charge, are distributed in Europe.

DRIVE-TELECOM AND ‘NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION distributes FREE USE, infocaicodrive electronic devices for preventing road traffic accidents, to all European vehicle owners. For additional information and conditions please visit: the site https://www.drivetelecom-safe-roads.com
Just words, words and words, we do the facts we reveal within the site in a simple way THE SOLUTIONS TO SOLVE the mysteries tied to traffic accidents and mortality that often ensues.
From all the continents tell us about fables researchers are appointed
large brains and highly paid, whom For one thing seek, merits fame
and the hope of go down in history.
They preach and extol new intelligent systems for road safety,
but in the end all arrive to active safety, the electronic systems of Mr. Giovanni Caico coming from ‘EUROPE twenty five years ago, of which have been well documented, patented and claimed in 1990.
We do not know until today that someone has unveiled different new systems, compared to the old 1990 Mr. John Caico, shown by these old videos posted on YouTube, they are electronic devices to transmit handsfree road the dangers,
acts to get active safety. (ONLY POSSIBLE WEAPON
In addition to the old video published here, within the site are best described electronic systems of intercommunication for mobility of 1990 and some new ones in 2011.
Enough with fabulous tales and putting forth all the difficulties of diffusion, repeat FOR WHO IS NOT ‘BEEN CAREFUL, “THE DEVICES ARE DISTRIBUTED FREE IN USE”, are enough little amount distributed strategically TO START THEIR WORK, (we do not use the word, “spaced so intelligent” because it is worn, used by some researchers and scientists, they call these “intelligent” systems, but where is this great intelligence). In fact they are little low power transceivers, with a sole purpose to inform, to prevent road accidents in TIME.
Just opinions and prejudices, serving to start, without wasting any more time, people are he dies thousands every day, as indicated by the statistics, although many think they are other people’s problems. ENOUGH, we’re late now it’s time to go out and fight traffic accidents, this war can not be fought with words, but with the right weapons and everyone must possess to defend themselves.
It ‘s all ready, the new electronic systems InfoCaicoDrivehave been realized by him in the past four years and other new projects in 2011. EVERYONE IS ARE AIMED FOR THE ACTIVE SAFETY. For one thing serves to distribute in free use the exclusive electronic equipment for mobility to be mounted by car they shall inform him “instantly” drivers of potential hazards or to act on all stradi.
MAY BE ALSO BOOKING FROM THE SITE: https://www.drivetelecom-safe-roads.com
New shields to protect the weak pedestrians. New systems to inform drivers directly in the car when pedestrians crossing the road.
New systems to inform drivers directly in the car when people walk with bicycles on the road. New systems for intersections with traffic lights, all drivers giving priority with certainty when the traffic light for will be red.
For enforcing speed limits to any driver even under L ‘EFFECT “ALCOHOL”, we have to be used various systems in convincing within minutes and infallible.
New systems may not enter into against the direction of traffic. Etc.
And ‘POSSIBLE TO ELIMINATE ALMOST ALL CAUSES OF ROAD ACCIDENTS, IS SUFFICIENT SOME SMALL STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ELECTRONICS. The systems mentioned and others, working together, are able to resolve all the gaps in the road circulation.

Post time: Aug-21-2017
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