
Examples of Red Light Violations Caught on Photo Red Light Cameras

This short video is a collection of violations captured on the City of Aurora Photo Red Light Camera System. The video clips show the dangers associated with running red lights. The system has also provided video evidence of traffic crashes that has helped investigators recreate crashes that have occurred at those intersection.

Below is a short description of each video clip:

Video Examples of Red Light Violations.
(Lanes are numbered from left to right.)

1. White van in #2 lane runs light nearly hitting two cars coming from the right.

2. Car in #3 lane runs light hitting car coming from the right.

3. Nighttime, car in #1 lane runs light and hits car coming from the left.

4. Nighttime, car in #2 lane runs light and gets hit by car coming from the left.

5. Car in #2 lane runs light near miss by car from the left.

6. Dark car in #1 lane runs light and hits motorcycle coming from the left.

7. Nighttime robbery suspect in #2 lane runs the light nearly hitting the Hummer coming from the right. Police in pursuit, used video to enhance the charges against the robber.

8. Video used to determine fault in accident. Car coming toward camera has right of way (can see opposing green light. SUV from left ran red light. Both drivers claimed they had the green light. Video showed SUV at fault.

9. Car in #1 lane runs light hitting car making left turn coming from the right.

10. Nighttime, car in #1 lane runs red light hits car coming from the left.

11. Left turn arrows are green, through traffic has red light. SUV in #2 lane runs the red light hitting the car making a left turn.

12. Nighttime, car in #2 lane runs red light nearly hitting car from the left.

13. Nighttime, left turn arrows are green, through traffic has red light. Car in #3 lane runs the red light hitting the car making a left turn.

14. Light changes and car in #2 lane stops, bread truck behind car in #2 lane swerves to avoid the crash. This photo citation was dismissed as the officer to the right observes the violation and wrote a summons to the driver of the bread truck.

15. Video used to determine fault in accident. Truck coming toward the camera runs the red light (can see opposing red light. Hits van coming from the left. Able to prove fault using video.

16. Yellow Cab van (#2 lane) is legally in the intersection on the yellow light. The car coming from the right ran the red light hitting the cab. Able to prove fault using video.

17. Nighttime, car in the #1 lane runs red light hitting car coming from the left.

18. (Graphic auto pedestrian) Pedestrian runs across traffic from right to left. Is nearly hit by first car and struck by second. The drivers of the cars both said the light was green but the person in the car stopped to the left who gets out at the end of the video said the cars had a red light. Able to prove the pedestrian was at fault using the video.

19. Left turn arrow is green, truck coming toward the camera ran the red light hitting the turning truck. Able to prove fault using video.

20. Video shows the left turning traffic from left and right appear to have a green arrow. Jeep coming from the left runs the red light and hits the large truck. Able to prove fault using video.

Post time: Dec-15-2016
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