
FBI airplane circling Beaverton, Oregon home + misconduct sirens; Gang Air Stalking

Notice the FBI orchestrated organized stalking with the FBI airplane flying over the house at apparent timed intervals and sirens blaring when I started filming at mark 00:08

The FBI is illegally surveillancing US citizens with devices that can read silent words from their targets. This violates every American’s civil rights. They also bug their target’s cell phones, digital cameras, laptops and tablets. They have undercover staff working at USPS, FedEx, UPS shipping hubs and any electronic device like smartphone, tablet or camera their target purchases online is swapped for an exact item that has been wired. [UPDATE] This topic was recently uncovered by ABC news: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/report-nsa-intercepts-computer-deliveries-21361496?singlePage=true
The FBI is attempting to intimidate and hide their illegal surveillance tactics from being made public by circling planes and copters.

The FBI has possessed mind reading technology since at least 2004, its existence is confirmed here:




PDF file download of 2010 private sector research article:


Proof human brain waves can be detected and read without surgically implanted probes:



As the published study reported, we emit an extremely low frequency (ELF) from our brain. The FBI is currently able to listen on an individual’s inner voice without the need of any surgically implanted or wearable probe to the brain. And they are currently utilizing it domestically, hidden from the public eye.

For an overview on government mindreading aka Remote Neural Monitoring, see link below (particularly the 4 components of Remote Neural Monitoring).


Mind reading has now evolved to conscious brain-to-brain communication using noninvasive technologies as this 2014 research article states:



The threat of mind reading and mind control technologies being abused and used in staged terror events to stoke mass fears and insecurity to promote the public to willfully give up their civil rights, privacy and Bill of Rights is a clear and present danger that needs to be addressed now. All that is needed is access to the FBI terrorist watch list, mind reading and brain to brain communication to direct their target to carry out the staged terror event they desire to take place. As you can glean from my other videos, key positions in the emergency response, law enforcement, federal agencies are already infiltrated with roles to cover up the real tracks. Unless us Americans pass laws to ban the usage of mind reading and mind to mind communication, government employees like FBI, Sheriff department, local police, police volunteers, etc will continue to utilize and abuse it to extort/incriminate and organize stalk innocent lives (civil/political activists, whistleblowers, press, religious groups) and bypass the US Constitution’s checks and balances. Our livelihoods and freedom are threatened by unelected deep state individuals working behind the scenes desiring to turn this country into a secular, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eight Four type omnipresent government surveillance state.

Post time: Oct-01-2017
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