Hi Everyone: The customer complaint is loss of power, running rough and the check engine light came on. Towed in this morning, no codes stored in the computer, starts ok, has a rough idle, just like a fouled spark plug or bad plug wire. Scan tool data showed 49 to 50 psi fuel pressure with the engine running ( the spec is 60 to 65 psi with the engine running ). The LTFT is minus 5 and minus 4, stays that way at idle and 2,500 rpm. The current ramp scope pattern shows a consistant spike upward in the pattern. This vehicle has a failing fuel pump ands now I have the facts to show my customer exactly what is wrong with his vehicle. Always ask your own mechanic for the facts if your not sure about something. For more information be sure to visist: https://www.johnsadlersautorepair.com
Post time: Jun-07-2017