One of the trickiest challenges new Cities Skylines players deal with is traffic and traffic congestion that can eventually cripple your city. In this guide we give you five tips and tricks to help you figure out what is causing congestion in your city and then we give you five fixes that will resolve the congestion and get things running smoothly again.
AeroFade provides the traffic congestion tips and tricks and TinyPirate applies them to a real town beset by traffic problems – one submitted by Reddit user Zeeterm. The city shown while Aerofade is talking is from the Vancouver2 map, the city was built by wishiwasonmaui.
If you enjoyed this, let us know, it took way, way too long to put together so we’re hoping folks enjoy it! If you want more content like this, let us know.
Wondering what City Skylines is? Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience.
__Mods in use include:
.Traffic Report Tool
.One-Way Street Arrows
.Automatic Bulldoze
.First Person Camera
.Sun Shafts
.Auto Line Color
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Post time: Jun-12-2017