
How to turn right at traffic lights without a turn right arrow even if the other cars run a red ligh

Lately we have had a lot of fully licensed drivers admitting they are unsure of how to turn right at traffic lights when they have no green turn arrow.
Here is the Australian road rule for traffic lights.
Please note the following is the legislation regarding traffic lights:
GREEN – Enter if safe to do so!
AMBER – Stop if safe to do so!
RED – Do not enter, but if the driver is in the intersection the driver must leave the intersection as soon as the driver can do so safely in a forward direction!
If you follow the legislation to the letter traffic lights are simple and there is no confusion. Unfortunately a lot of the time road rules have become like Chinese whispers.
So when in doubt please head straight to the legislation as even some government road rules handbooks have confusing and misleading information!
We hope this helps.

Post time: Jun-19-2017
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