
Human Traffic Light Guard with LED Lollipop in Asia

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Lollipop ladies, popularly also called ready-overs, are civilians nearby schools are used to the other side. children safe They usually do this on a voluntary basis and always at a fixed time and a fixed location on the home-school route of children. Lollipop ladies are represented by Traffic Safety Netherlands, which include representing the interests of all lollipop ladies in the Netherlands. At present, there are approximately 27,000 active lollipop ladies, of which 15,000 adults and 12,000 youth lollipop ladies. They help every day hundreds of thousands of children crossing in the safe.

A student pilot has the task to allow students to safely crossing a street. At the pilot point, students are guided in small groups on the road. Here waits the student pilot, official name traffic assistance, on a large enough gap in the traffic stream, it is also noticeable by the crossing guards trowel. On January 14, 1953 in was U.S. born idea of a school crossing service in the Federal Republic of Germany introduced. The introduction is an initiative of several partners back, including the German Road Safety. Today, the development of the training concept as well as the equipment of the transport helper is with their uniforms alone in the DVW. In the pilot training mainly engages the police, in the pilot designation, schools are significantly involved. The Association of the Automotive Industry support the project financially.

Crossing guards act mainly before class, at some schools it is common that crossing guards also after school do their job. Your task they fulfill in every season and also in “Wind and Weather”. To identify the crossing guards serve a signal trowel, a neon yellow hat with a neon yellow union or a weatherproof jacket that are occupied with reflective materials.

A warning signs may be used to hedge under certain circumstances, jobs are used in road space. By his presence of road users is alerted to the danger point and warned accordingly. He thereby has no police powers and may not intervene in the market or regulate this. The guidelines specify that for better visibility necessarily visibility clothing must be worn. In darkness or poor visibility of warning signs should be used only in emergencies. Furthermore, the warning signs should be based on country roads and highways as possible by a Warnwinkebake or Light Arrows to be replaced.

A person who has authority in the prescribed manner to regulate traffic using signals installed traffic rules and other instructions directly exercising the above regulation. Adjuster must be in uniform and (or) have a distinctive sign and equipment. K-controllers are employees of the police and military automobile inspection, as well as employees of road maintenance services, duty on crossings and ferries in the performance of their duties.

Pedestrian crossing is a crossing facility on streets for pedestrians and wheelchairs. A pedestrian crossing is next to the notice with appropriate signs by broad lines on the road in which also serve as a traffic sign. In Germany it is colloquially mostly to the similar patterned zebra as a zebra crossing called. The pedestrian crossing is in contrast to the pedestrian overpass or underpass always at ground level. As between the sidewalk and roadway in most cases there is a difference in level, which will curb cut or beveled to an easier crossing with at pedestrian crossings usually strollers, wheelchairs or hand carts to enable.

Laws and administrative regulations apply today increasingly dependent on the perception by pedestrians and road users. This implies that a crosswalk is not always useful, where he could be set up according to the law. For example, references the city of Nuremberg that the legal claim for pedestrians to take precedence in practice often to put back that they no longer pay attention to the extent necessary to road transport. The security-enhancing thereby only apparent. Conversely entice too many “crosswalk” in short intervals, as is customary, for example, in Poland, to the fact that road users ignore waiting pedestrians. As an alternative means islands are proposed because the pedestrian must then focus on one direction of travel and the attention of all road users is equally challenged.

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Post time: Jun-19-2017
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