An old man in western India offers free education to poor children by the roadside under streetlights.
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An old man in western India is bringing the light of education into the lives of dozens of impoverished children by providing them free education in at a makeshift tuition center that he runs under the streetlights.
For the past 22 years, Kakaji Hattevar has been teaching children from extremely deprived backgrounds at his makeshift center that he runs by the roadside after their school hours.
The former central bank clerk’s commitment to uplifting underprivileged children in the city of Nagpur has made him into a local icon.
Despite laws to guarantee schooling up to the age of 14, children face difficulties in the school due to over packed classrooms.
Students idolize the 65-year old pensioner who not only teaches the children himself, but also motivates youngsters to follow in his footsteps and devote some of their time to the cause.
And some of his former students have joined him in passing their knowledge to the younger generation.
[Kakaji Hattevar, Teacher]:
“Till the time I am physically fit, I will continue to help the students in whatever way possible and this has been my objective. Despite the government spending so much money on the education, nothing concrete is happening. At the same time, I want to highlight that education can be given without spending too much of money.”
Children are taught all subjects but the main focus is on building a strong hold over mathematics and english.
[Mohan, Student]:
“Sir taught me English including the grammar. Earlier I used to find English very difficult and I could not understand it at all but now I can read English. Now I have also learnt mathematics. I was in standard five and I could not even read Marathi, but after coming here I have learnt to read.”
Due to high standards of education maintained at these classes, some students who go to regular school also attend these classes.
Some students say they learn far more in his classes than at the government schools.
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Post time: Jun-04-2017