
Let’s Make project 06 – Ultrasonic Parking Lot Car Counter

This time in Let’s make project bakery, we are experimenting with ultrasonic sensor and distancemeters. We have decided to show you how to create a simple counter of moving objects implemented in the project – Ultrasonic Parking Lot Car Counter.

We have assembled the boards and put them in the standard small mikroElektronika cardboard box. To make things more interesting, we took some crazy old remotely controlled electric car toy. And boy, is that car hard to steer! We have made an improvisation of the parking lot with the device, just to demonstrate how it works. We hope you’ll enjoy the video, which is far from being the best ever, but sure is funny :)

Aside from that, we have done some serious work with the code, and developed a full, ready-to-use application with two DistanceMeter 2 Boards, Serial 7-seg display, and PIC-Ready1 with PIC16F887. One distancemeter detects the car entering the parking lot, and decreases the number of available parking spaces, and the other detects the car exiting the lot, thus increasing the number of available parking locations.


Post time: Jun-16-2017
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