
Multi-storey building collapses after possible gas explosion

(26 Jan 2012) SHOTLIST
1. Mid of crowd gathered at accident site in central Rio de Janeiro
2. Close up of car covered in debris
3. Wide of site where accident occurred
4. Mid of firefighters on top of debris
5. Mid of firefighters pointing fire hose into building
6. Wide of alley with debris from collapsed building
7. Tilt down to area where building collapsed
8. Medium of vehicles moving at accident site
A multi-storey building in Rio de Janeiro has collapsed after a possible natural gas explosion.
Television images showed rubble strewn across a wide area, covering cars and motorcycles.
There is no official word on deaths, but Brazil’s TV Globo channel cites unidentified Brazilian authorities as saying two bodies had been found so far.
Witnesses at the scene say that they heard an explosion just before the building collapsed and that there was a strong odour of gas.
Police have cordoned off the area and electricity to the street has been cut off for safety reasons.

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Post time: Jun-20-2017
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