
Music Marketing – Literal Marketing and Promotions. Its a book on fire



Music Marketing – Literal Marketing and Promotions. Its a book on fire. An LW Music Business Consultant, Speaker & Author Video Blog

All too often, many musicians and bands take a music marketing approach of using those overused phrases and words that just don’t fit the bill. They become over saturated and lose their punch. In turn, making the marketing and promotions attempt to push a recording, a song or a gig that much less effective. The two ways to combat that issue are to work to create better descriptions that will draw in the eye of the existing fan but also entice the potential new fan.

The other approach is the literal marketing or the too literal music marketing approach like I have done in this video. For those that have talked about how something is on fire or smoking, I have decided to use those overused words in a way too literal way and light up The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business. Using Literal marketing, gasoline and a match, the music business book makes a funny sort of statement that stands out over the usual words where there is nothing to back up the claim.

Have fun with your music marketing. Use literal marketing at times to get over the overused words that people are seeing or take the approach to finding other words and other phrases to give the best marketing and promotions punch to what ever you are pushing. The extra effort you put in to your music marketing will give you the extra results by helping you stand out that much more in the sea of musicians and bands using the same phrases all the time. Bring that in to the actions as well. Make your giveaways and your physical marketing that much more fun, that much more memorable and that much more standing out to be found in a world of way too many artists saying the same thing over and over.

Just make sure to be safe especially when there’s a book on fire or other product!

Brand Precision Marketing Strategist & Counselor Loren Weisman organizes, optimizes & implements individualized branding, marketing & content plans for start-up and established businesses including professional services, entrepreneurs, artists, entertainers, athletes, authors and investors.
Hosted by Loren Weisman and distributed across iHeartRadio, “Wait What Really OK” is a Methodical, Comical & Informational Podcast covering the best approaches for business and the arts today.
Loren is based in Port St. Lucie, Florida, USA and is available to clients over phone, Skype or in person.
For more on Loren’s consulting, coaching, strategy work, books & speaking options as well as where to listen to the podcast, visit:





Music Marketing – Literal Marketing and Promotions. Its a book on fire

Post time: Oct-08-2017
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