
NXP – New Car-to-X Communication Platform

https://www.farnell.com/nxp/ C2X communication uses IEEE802.11p, a wireless standard designed specifically for automotive applications. This allows cars to communicate with each other (car-to-car) as well as with intelligent traffic infrastructure (car-to-infrastructure) around them. The newly developed C2X platform from NXP and Cohda actually “sees” around corners in order to recognize traffic blocks or risks before they are visible to the human eye. Drivers therefore receive early warnings of cars hidden from sight behind trucks or approaching from around corners. Other use cases are warnings about emergency vehicles and traffic jams, or traffic light signals allowing drivers to adjust their speed and optimize driving.

To view this and other solutions from NXP please choose your location and view the fantastic range of NXP products on offer from Farnell at https://www.farnell.com/nxp/

Post time: Jul-02-2017
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