
#OurMN: FIRST Program

As part of the #OurMN campaign, we are highlighting the FIRST program. FIRST stands for Freeway Incident Response Safety Team. Formerly, it was known was known as the Highway Helper program.

You may have seen the bright FIRST trucks out on the freeway, helping stalled vehicles or directing traffic in the scene of a crash.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation’s FIRST program has been around since 1987. FIRST has grown from a 40 mile coverage to 225 miles of the busiest roads in the state.

The quick response from a FIRST truck helps reduce congestion and prevents secondary crashes. If the incident is too serious to be moved from the lanes, the flashing arrow board on the truck helps guide traffic around the scene until more help arrives.

MNDOT says the program has shown a benefit to cost ratio of 15 to 1.

Because the program is taxpayer funded, drivers can receive help from a FIRST truck for free.

FIRST drivers can assist with medical help,tire changes, refueling, minor mechanical problems, picking up debris, and even pushing vehicles out of the way of traffic.

FIRST trucks are available Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Drivers can get help from a FIRST truck by calling 911.

You can learn more about FIRST at https://www.dot.state.mn.us/rtmc/first.html.

Our tax dollars. Our future. #OurMN.

Post time: Jun-09-2017
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