
Pontiac G6 passed me on the shoulder and sideswiped my car

Note: This was uploaded for an insurance claim and the insurance company decided the other driver was at fault. Comments disabled since people seem to only know how to post profanity. Since civility is lost, comments are lost as well.

Pantiac G6 made an illegal pass on the left “shoulder” and as I’m paying attention to and avoiding the back end of the chemical truck (much bigger than me) since I hear numerous horns behind me and guess the best option is to move forward and away from the stopped traffic, tagged the G6. She then drives through the mall, back to the cross street and to a nearby gas station where her man (the muscle) meets her for the intimidation factor. I stayed in my car the whole time waiting to see what would happen. We did eventually exchange info, after some persuasion and showing this video to the muscle, and go our separate ways. Audio removed to protect sensitive information spoken to emergency personnel over the phone. 911 was called back after information exchanged to cancel the call after everything went okay. Unfortunately, they provided FAKE insurance. People that think they can get away with stuff like this make my brain hurt.

Post time: May-10-2017
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