LED Traffic light running from the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi 2
Coded in python
Running on Raspbian
This took 2 evenings and half a day of testing and building to make work from scratch. Not following any tutorials, just a goal in mind and using Google to find what I need for the python code.
The code loops and changes stage every 5 seconds, following a typical British traffic light pattern.
Breadboard designed in Fritzing, schematic also designed in Fritzing.
1x Green LED
1x Yellow LED
1x Red LEX
3x 50 ohm resistor
3x 10k ohm resistor
3x NPN transistor
The LED’s are controlled by the transistors using 3 GPIO pins, all powered by a 5v GPIO pin and a ground GPIO pin
“Pamgaea” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Post time: Jun-15-2017