
remote controlled flail mower trincia radiocomandata

In questo video è possibile vedere 2 nuove macchine che vanno ad affiancare l’ormai famoso Green Climber.
Sono delle macchine concepite per i lavori di pulizia dei terreni erbosi particolarmente scomodi o pericolosi da raggiungere.
Il MINI GREEN CLIMBER, grazie al suo peso contenuto e alla sua facile trasportabilità, è l’alternativa del futuro al decespugliatore ma con una produttività notevolmente superiore (fino a 10 volte).
Si possono vedere i dettagli tecnici nel nostro sito: mdbsrl.com.
Il POWER 6 ha le stesse caratteristiche del Green Climber, ma si muove su ruote invece che su cingoli.
Il suo sistema di controllo radiocomandato rende il lavoro da eseguire facile e divertente ma soprattutto sicuro.
POWER 6 é praticamente inarrestabile su qualsiasi terreno sia in pendenza che in salita. Il suo sistema di allargamento della carreggiata, fino a 400 mm, insieme al suo baricentro basso, permette di lavorare fino a pendenze laterali del 60° in totale sicurezza.
POWER 6 è dotato di 6 ruote motrici che per ottenere la massima trazione, ogni tipo di terreno ha bisogno di una tassellatura specifica e le ruote, essendo facilmente intercambiabili, consentono di scegliere la più adatta e il cambio si effettua in pochissimo tempo. Sono disponibili ruote con tassellatura molto accentuata per pendenze elevate, ma di possono montare anche pneumatici che non rovinano manti erbosi delicati come campi di calcio o campi da golf. Sono inoltre disponibili ruote metallica dotate di ramponi da utilizzare in situazioni estreme. Green Climber POWER 6 può lavorare praticamente dappertutto!

In this video you can see 2 new remote-controlled machines added to the range of the now famous Green Climber: MINI GREEN CLIMBER and POWER 6.
They are machines designed for maintenance of grassland which is particularly inconvenient or dangerous to reach.
The MINI GREEN CLIMBER, thanks to its light weight and being easily transportable, is the alternative for the future in slope mowers with grass trimmers but with a significantly higher productivity (up to 10 times more).
You can view the technical details on our website : www.mdbsrl.com
POWER 6 has the same characteristics as Green Climber but moves on 6 wheels instead of tracks.

Green Climber POWER 6 is remote controlled robot for cutting grass. It an innovative machine for the maintenance and cleaning of roadsides. It is equipped with expandable undercarriage with 6 driving wheels and a long range remote control. The widening system of the undercarriage up to 400 mm, together with its low center of gravity allows you to work along 60° slopes in total safety. The version with 6 wheel drive was devised for maximum traction. Each soil type needs a specific tread and the wheels being easily interchangeable, allow the choice of the most suitable type. There are wheels with tread for steep slopes which can be easily interchanged with tyres that do not damage turf for soccer fields or even more delicate turf like golf courses. There are also metal wheels available equipped with spikes that can be used in extreme situations.
Green Climber POWER 6 is virtually unstoppable on any slope whether it’s working uphill or downhill.
Green Climber POWER 6 can also be equipped with the following accessories:
- Flail mower to cut along roadsides and grind shrubs up to a 5cm diam.
- Forks to lift loads
- Sweeper to clean yards
- Turbo snow
- Snowplow blade
- Gritter
- Tiller and other tools for agriculture

The rapid attachment system has been designed to perform tilting, side-shifting and lifting movements of the accessory.

The expandable undercarriage together with the electronic direction correction system guarantee a good grip on highly rugged terrain.
Green Climber POWER 6 is equipped with an automatic cleaning system with a special fan that always keeps the radiator clean.

Benefits of Green Climber POWER 6 :
only requires a single operator to perform the work of 10 people!
it is not necessary to block the lane and therefore does not create traffic congestion
10 times faster in performance compared to traditional means
maximum safety: the remote control and the special protection of the mower deck prevent objects being thrown towards the operator;
agility to avoid obstacles such as trees, roadsigns or other objects
easily transportable on a trailer or small truck

Post time: Apr-25-2017
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