
Reynolds Road Traffic Light Queue

Traffic waiting at the lights out the front of proposed McDonald’s site in Reynolds Road Applecross.

This video was taken at approximately 12 midday during the SAT site visit on 25th November 2015 and highlights the extended queuing of cars waiting at the lights next to the proposed McDonalds site.

All options to direct traffic from a new McDonalds onto Reynolds Road are UNSAFE:

A) An EXTRA 2,500 cars per day turning left out only and going down a small residential street which according to 2015 data already operates at capacity with has close to 3000 cars per day? UNACCEPTABLE

B) 2,500 cars turning left and right directly into a residential area and straight into an intersection queue? – UNACCEPTABLE

We believe this whole proposal is UNACCEPTABLE!

Post time: Jun-12-2017
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