
San Diego ICM Aimsun Online Microsimulation Model

The San Diego ICM project went live in March 2013 and deploys an innovative system designed to manage and optimize all available infrastructure, routes and modes in a pro-active and coordinated manner. As part of the USDOT’s larger initiative for reducing congestion in metropolitan areas, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is leading the San Diego pilot project, with Delcan Corporation as systems integrator.

Focusing on a 20-mile stretch of Interstate 15 between San Diego and Escondido, the project introduces ‘smart’ traffic management technologies and concepts never used before in the US: the project’s pioneering Decision Support System (DSS) uses strategies such as network traffic prediction, online microsimulation analysis and real-time response strategy assessment to give system managers comprehensive awareness of the current and predicted future performance of the entire corridor. Rather than reacting to traffic conditions, managers can now anticipate problems before they arise and take preventative action using ICM strategies such as responsive traffic light synchronization, coordinated ramp metering or bus priority on arterials.

Core to the ICM solution is the ability to forecast and simulate congestion and capacity
imbalances in real time or near real time. The multimodal Decision Support System (DSS)
integrates two tools: the Delcan Intelligent NETworks ATMS, for field device monitoring and
control, center-to-center data fusion, event management and response plan generation, and
Aimsun Online, a tool from TSS-Transport Simulation Systems. Aimsun Online uses live data feeds and simulations to dynamically forecast traffic conditions based on the current state of the network, which helps system managers to evaluate incident response or congestion management strategies. Read more here: https://www.aimsun.com/wp/?p=141

Post time: May-12-2017
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