
School Bus Stop On Eglinton Avenue Creates Traffic Jam???

A school bus stop takes place eastbound on Eglinton Avenue between Birthmount, and Kennedy. However, because where the school bus stops, and for how long, it really held a lot of traffic up. A lot of drivers illegally pass the school bus at that stop, because they probably experienced waiting in that traffic jam many times from that school bus stop. Also, a lot of drivers take Eglinton Avenue home from work, and do not want wait in a traffic jam, because of a school bus stop. Some drivers can get fed up from that. Also, the kids getting on and off the school bus don’t need to cross the major roadway either. They are also supervised by their parents, and they don’t go running off towards the major roadway. I just don’t see the use of using the flashing red lights. I do believe that there is a law for school bus drivers, where if you are at a traffic light, or within a certain amount of metres from a traffic light, you are not suppose to use the flashing red lights. One thing that I’m hoping to find out soon, but don’t know yet is who’s decision was it for the school bus to stop there? Was it the school bus drivers decision, or was it someone telling him his schedule to stop there? I believe that it would be better if the school bus uses a side street, or stops in a parking lot. There is a lot of parking lots that the school bus could have used to load and unload these kids. All of the other school buses who had to stop on Eglinton Avenue used the parking lots to unload students. It’s a lot better for traffic flow, and the safety for kids at certain school bus stops. Also if there was a fire truck needing to get by all these stops cars to put out a fire, or to save a life, how would he be able to get by this traffic jam? If there is nothing they can do about where the school bus stops, they could at least add a median, or divider on Eglinton so that at least the opposite direction would be allowed to pass. I wonder if they could possibly add an extra lane for the school bus to stop (if possible), so that the school bus can go fully off the roadway and let the traffic flow better?

Post time: Jun-19-2017
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