
Seaside Lofts: Cedar Valley Redux Episode 21 – Let’s Play Cities: Skylines

A modded Cities Skylines series based on Strictoaster’s Cedar Valley Let’s Play.

I’ve always found it interesting to see how the same map can inspire different things in different people. In this series I take Strictoaster’s Cedar Valley map and build a city of my own. At the end we’ll compare cities and see what is the same and what is different! As always, I’ll try to make the most realistic looking city I possibly can.

Visit the playlist: to keep track of every episode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtnskDgG0AIJf11x2nlym5O0BjgA0zn1

Strictoaster’s Let’s Design Cities Skylines Series:


Menage Quad – Oh Dear
SANDR – Retrofunkish
Valesco – Cloud 9
Elexive – Tonic and Energy
Odd Chap – Faithful


Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RotypePlays
Check out my screenshot collection: https://rotype.deviantart.com/


Intel Core i7-6800K Broadwell-E OC’d to 4.3 GHz
Asus X99 A-II Motherboard
32GB G.Skill Ripjaws V Series DDR4-2400 RAM (2x16GB)
Gigabyte GTX 1070 8GB VRAM
Acer K272HUL 27″ 1440p Monitor
Asus VH232H 23″ 1080p Monitor


Post time: Jun-13-2017
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