CENTER CITY (WPVI) — It has been more than four months since a young woman endured 20 minutes of a violent beating and sexual assault that has left her dealing with a number of physical repercussions and an infinite amount of emotional trauma.
And while the man whom prosecutors believe is responsible is behind bars awaiting trial, there are serious questions about how an alleged security deficit inside a parking garage may have contributed to an environment ripe for this heinous crime.
On New Year’s Day, Jane, as we will call her, was on her way back to her car inside a parking garage on 17th and Callowhill after a friend dropped her off at the entrance.
After paying her ticket at the automated kiosk, she rode the elevator to the 6th floor.
Moments later, she says a man grabbed her from behind and demanded cash.
“I handed him my purse, but that wasn’t enough. He put his hands around my neck and he began to choke me. I remember telling him I had two small children, please don’t kill me,” Jane said.
In court, Jane testified 32-year-old Steven Woodson who has pleaded not guilty started sexually assaulting her between two cars.
“The only thing that was going through my mind throughout this attack was how am I going to get out of this situation and why isn’t anybody here?” Jane said.
The attack lasted 20 minutes then Jane noticed a car driving by.
She managed to escape and jump in front of the driver.
“Nobody came out to help me and if those people didn’t drive up when they did, I wouldn’t be talking to you today,” Jane said.
Shanin Specter, an attorney for the victim who is suing the owner of the garage Forest City Franklin Town Corprotation as well as the management company ABM Parking Services, says security is insufficient.
“This garage is a disgrace,” Specter said.
He said 99 percent of the garage is not covered by cameras.
We only found cameras at the entrance and near the pay kiosk.
Specter says the security office in the back was empty the day of the attack, a claim corroborated off camera to Action News by an employee of the company.
But in a statement, the company said, “On the day of the incident in question, we did have roving security on duty in the parking garage.”
The website Parkopedia states the parking garage is both lit and manned, but when we knocked on the security door at 5:00 p.m. it was locked and empty.
“The perpetrator was loitering in the garage waiting for this young lady to come in,” Specter said.
And Specter says that is a direct violation of the city’s ordinance that states the garages “shall not permit any person not employed at a parking lot to loiter.”
“This incident would not have occurred had they had video cameras and had they had security patrols,” Specter said.
“You’re in this parking garage and you know you can’t get out. You’re trapped. You’re about to lose your life and that is the pain that sticks with me. I have to deal with it every day,” Jane said.
Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams says he believes many city garages need to implement better security systems.
“We have to do all that we can to promote public safety by trying to get businesses to invest in cameras,” Williams said.
We protected Jane’s identity in this report, but she says there is no shame in being a victim and believes a cultural shift in how we treat sexual assault victims would give them the support they need to stand up to their attackers.
“And one woman comes forward and testifies in a case, it would be the reason why I did this,” Jane said.
Although Philadelphia police say there has been no uptick in crimes committed inside parking garages in recent years, the transition to automated pay kiosks often eliminates the need for an employee on staff during all operating hours.
The company’s full statement:
The safety and securing of our tenants and guests is our highest priority.
On the day of the incident in question, we did have roving security on duty in the parking garage. Unfortunately, no security system is perfect and we were not able to prevent this tragic incident. Our security team at the property cooperated closely with law enforcement and the perpetrator was later arrested.
We do not publicly disclose specific security procedures, staffing levels, or schedules in place at individual properties or locations. We believe doing so could have the unintended consequence of undermining security by providing information to those who might seek to exploit it.
We are confident in the quality and capability of our security teams, staffing levels and procedures and believe they fully comply with relevant city ordinances.
Post time: Jun-12-2017