[Smart Traffic Signals & Scalable Urban Traffic Control (Surtrac)] Invented by Xiao-Feng Xie, et al.
A real-time, decentralized, smart and scalable, adaptive traffic signal control system that optimizes and coordinates highly dynamic traffic flow in complex (grid-like) urban road networks. Here it is applied to the tight-coupled intersections at Pittsburgh, PA. The simulation shared the same core control engine with the field implementation of surtrac smart traffic lights that saved the average travel time over 25%.
The core control engine of Surtrac includes schedule-driven intersection control (SchIC) [1] and decentralized coordination mechanisms [2].
[1] Xiao-Feng Xie, et al. Schedule-driven intersection control. Transportation Research Part C, 2012, 24: 168-189.
[2] Xiao-Feng Xie, et al. Schedule-driven coordination for real-time traffic network control. International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012: 323-331.
Post time: Jun-15-2017