
Star Wars: Episode VII Lightsaber Crossguard Tested – Is It Dangerous?

Thrand, Eldgrimr and Marquez devise a test to see if the new Cross-guard Lightsaber from the New Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer by J.J. Abrams is dangerous to the wielder or the opponent. They test the quillons or cross-guard out by covering it in thick paint and use it to see if it cuts the user or can be used as a weapon! They give credit to von Puch TV for giving them the idea as well. Be sure go by and check out von Puch’s video channel and subscribe as well. So set back grab an Ale or Mead wile Thrand. Eldgrmr and Marquez test out the new cross-guarded Lightsaber to see how dangerous it really is and if it is to the wielder or the opponent!

VPTV | STAR WARS EP 7 Teaser | Crossguarded Lightsaber Sword Fight Check


Our first video on the subject
Star Wars: Episode VII Lightsaber Crossguard or Longsword Our Opinion

Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2015) – J.J. Abrams Movie HD

Just to note they had sharp quillon historically and they appear in the old European fight manuals.


The orignal lore from George Lucas says the lightsaber is very heavy and hard to wield about 40lbs to 50lbs which is insane from the first movie. No historical sword ever weighted that much and a sword so heavy could never really be used. Here is documentary that Mark Hamill states this!

Star Wars Featurette: The Birth of the Lightsaber

At 3:30

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Post time: Jan-12-2017
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