
TCRP Report 153 Webinar, Part 1

TCRP Report 153 Webinar, Part 1 – Guidelines for Providing Access to Public Transportation Stations: Planning Process, Case Studies and Design Guidelines

Presented by Kathryn Coffel and Jamie Parks

To view the TCRP report being described, please see https://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/166516.aspx
To view part 2 of this webinar series, please see https://youtu.be/DhPVHC8GgsM

Decision-making regarding access to high-capacity public transportation is complex and affects many stakeholders. The planning, development, and operation of stations involves decisions and trade-offs among access alternatives. In turn, the decisions affect transit ridership, revenue generation, short- and long-term capital and operating costs, congestion, adjacent communities, and the environment. TCRP Report 153 provides guidelines to assist with the planning, analysis and implementation of access to high capacity transit stations.

NTI, in cooperation with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) is offering a two-part webinar series.

This webinar, the first in the series, covers information in the published report and the appendices, available on CD and electronically on the internet. The following topics will be reviewed:
• The 8-step planning process
• Agency case studies and how the planning process is applied
• Station level case studies
• Design guidelines for auto, feeder transit, bicycle, walk, and TOD access modes.

Post time: Jun-22-2017
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