Conceptualized to mimic a tour of Montreal, this cellphilm uses the street names in Montreal as a means of navigating through its early history. It is meant to provide a brief overview of Montreal’s early history spanning from its foundation in 1642, to the arrival of the Fille du Roy in 1665. The historical period of this video as well as the historical figures discussed were chosen so as to cater to Elementary Social Science Competency 1: “to understand the organization of society and its territory” (MELS, 2001, p. 189). In fact, “the influence of people on social and territorial organization” (MELS, 2001, p. 189) is particularly highlighted by bringing to light the contributions of four historical figures. Doing so by way of street names, can also give way to an examination of “elements of continuity with the present” (MELS, 2001, p. 197), in that some of these streets have existed since Montreal’s establishment. Though the topics discussed are geared towards a Cycle Two audience, this video can be used for older students as a means of activating prior knowledge. Enjoy your journey through Montreal’s early history!
MELS. (2001). Quebec education program: Elementary education. Retrieved from:
Post time: May-28-2017