GROUP 10 : Tony, Cyprian, Paul, Sibo, Saleh, Ashima
University Of Liverpool Year 1 End of Year Group Profject.
Using a PIC programmable Board
To create an intelligent traffic light system that changes colour every 1 second when no vehicle has been detected.
When a Vehicle is detected, it is to return to the Main Road sequence as quick as it can following the full sequence and not skipping out lights and goto green as fast as it can to allow the vehicle to pass, once it has finished, it is to return to its original 1 second sequence.
Please ignore the motor & gears as we did not finish soldering the circuit board for it before we wer getting assessed!
and also when i say ‘that side is broken’ I meant that one of the microswitches on the board had loose wiring so it didnt work very well
My group ‘GROUP 10′ came 3rd place out of 14 Groups.
Post time: Mar-22-2017