Karachi, August 22, 2007
1. Various traffic jam on Karachi’s largest commercial road
2. Various traffic policeman controlling traffic on a road under construction
3. Various vehicles driving on road under construction
4. Interior of car with drivers hands
5. Vehicles on a busy road
6. Vehicles stopped on a zebra crossing
7. SOUNDBITE: (Urdu), Islam Elahi, Karachi Resident:
“Drivers need to follow rules and regulations. And to make them follow the rules administration should implant those rules and remove all loopholes in traffic control. If they really try to implement the rules one can expect the situation to change, otherwise there is no hope of any change.”
8. Pedestrians threading through traffic to cross a busy road
9. Vehicles ignoring red traffic light
10. Close red traffic light
11. Various flyover
12. SOUNDBITE: (English) Syed Mustafa Kamal, Karachi City Mayor
“Well every problem has got a solution. You have to do the things on a right manner. Seeing the problems and understanding the problem and every problem has a resolution. So I mean don’t see any problem that if the cars are coming up, we have to react accordingly. If we react accordingly, Insha Allah (Allah willing) there would not be any problem.”
13. Various Supreme Court, Karachi
14. Syed Mustafa Kamal arriving at the Supreme Court
15. Cutaway camera operators and photographers
16. Traffic police arriving at the Supreme Court
17. SOUNDBITE: (English) Wajid Durrani, Deputy Inspector, General Traffic, Karachi:
“They (drivers and pedestrians) should abide by the law and have some patience. You see mostly traffic jams take place because people don’t have patience and they try to make their way out fromone place to the other and they create a mess. If everybody abides by the law and stays in his line things will be better.”
18. Wide shot of dug up road
19. Woman making attempt to cross a dug up road with her child
20. Various heavy machinery deployed for road construction
21. Roadworks taking place on a busy road
22. SOUNDBITE: (English) Captain Amjad H Faizi, Chief Executive, Institute of Safety and Human Factors:
“So what we need to do is educate road sense to begin with. What we need to do is try to propagate right of way. We need to propagate giving right of way – learning right of way and giving right of way. Incidentally, every single rule of the road is constructed to support (the) right of way of somebody else. It is all about giving.”
23. Ambulance speeding towards a hospital
24. Paramedics putting injured person onto a stretcher
25. Various doctor attending the accident injured
26. Commuters travelling on the rooftop of a bus, trapped in a traffic jam
27. Various vehicles in near gridlock
Traffic problems in Pakistan’s financial capital city are reaching crisis levels according to government officials.
More than 15 million people in the southern coastal city of Karachi face the daily misery of grid-locked roads and endless jams.
The commute to work in Karachi, Pakistan.
Government officials believe economic development, limited infrastructure and a lack of road sense have brought the city’s traffic to a standstill.
Wajid Durrani, Deputy Inspector General, Traffic, Karachi, says the problem is mainly down to impatient drivers flouting the law.
According to newspaper, the PakTribune, earlier this month (16 August 2007) traffic came to a standstill once again – with traffic police nowhere to be seen.
In August the Supreme Court of Pakistan summoned the city mayor, traffic officials and city planners to explain the worsening situation.
The court observed that the crux of the problem was non-implementation of laws, rules and court orders.
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Post time: Jun-14-2017