The project was designed with a simple layout, with all lights and sensors connected directly to the MCU. With the addition of digital logic circuitry, it would be possible to decrease the number of MCU pins significantly, however the Cortex M-4 STM32F407 board has ample GPIO ports to spare. Additionally, the digital logic components provided as part of the MSE 352 lab supplies required a 5V I/O, which exceeds the 3.3 V capacity of the MCU. As such the circuitry required to handle the voltage conversion would have been much more complicated than any gains realized by reducing the number of pins used on the MCU.This project is the design for a simple traffic light control system. The system consists of four traffic sensors which can detect the approach of a vehicle. Additionally, there is a pedestrian crossing button for the north-south crosswalk. The physical implementation of the project uses a simple schematic setup installed on a breadboard. The sensors for the four directions are modeled by simple pushbuttons. The crosswalk button is also a push button. The traffic lights are each a string of three correctly colored LEDs lined up in the correct order.
Post time: Jun-15-2017