
Traffic Light Eating, Melanie Douglass, R.D.

Get the app: https://www.lolofit.com/apps/go_-_meal_and_fitness_tracker
Registered Dietitian, Melanie Douglass, explains this simple approach to logging “the impact” of our daily food choices. Helps you find new motivation to eat healthy and gives you valuable hindsight into what you’ve really put into your body “lately”… so you can then balance choices in the future. That’s the true art of healthy eating. You can do this with markers and a notebook or the lolo Go app.

Green meals:
- are 100% plant and/or lean protein (veg, fruit, nuts, seeds, beans, lean meat, brown grains)
- feel clean and satisfying, but never “stuffed”

Red meals:
- contain oversized baked goods or melted cheese
- come from a restaurant, gas station, fast-food outlet
- contain “taste-able” amounts of sugar, fat or salt
- make you feel “sick” or “stuffed” afterwards

Yellow Meals:
- are somewhere in between
- can be “red” with a redeeming quality, like pizza with a big green salad

Post time: Jun-18-2017
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