The movie presents a simplified simulator for a new traffic management paradigm created by MARTY AUTOMATICS. The fuel consumption optimization has reached its maximum potential, so the next step is to increase the efficiency of the current traffic management systems. Why this solution from MARTY AUTOMATICS? First there are no traffic detection devices that must installed, second the solution allows the transportation of the maximum number of cars that the managed road sector allows, and third and not the last, there is no need to modify the actual traffic management devices, our solution being complementary to the already existing ones. The system comes as a complete integrated solution. It has a SCADA command/monitoring center that uses a fiber optic based network for high speed communication. Infrared video cameras can be easily installed for onsite supervision. The simulation presents the scaled solution implemented for one of the busiest roads in city of Iasi, Romania (more than 6000 cars using this road each hour). Cars are travelling at the speed limit of 50 km/h, each travelling column of cars representing a 600m straight line of cars, that pass through a 4.6 km road sector without stopping at none of the installed traffic lights. For a more detailed presentation of this innovative solution you can contact us at
Post time: Jun-18-2017