
UFO Documentary December 2016

UFO Documentary December 2016. ©iUFOSightings. Best UFO Sightings December 2016 Week 5. ©iUFOSightings. We have some great UFO Footage for you this time around. First up we have a UFO that stops traffic. Excellent UFO footage taken from a dash cam. Next we have a UFO captured from inside a plane. Then we have a UFO captured from inside a plane on the runway just excellent an excellent UFO Sighting. Then we have some archive UFO footage of a circular shaped object taken in a school yard. Next we have some more archived UFO footage of a missile chasing a UFO this one is crazy. Then we have a beautiful UFO captured in the train yard. This UFO is huge. Next we have a UFO captured in Chicago is this what is causing temperature change? Very interesting footage here… Finally we have our UFO clip of the week. This one comes to us from Wisconsin in the farm lands. A farmer finally captured this UFO he has been seeing for a while over his farm. This UFO is huge and the proof is now on video!
Best UFO Sightings December 2016 Week 4. ©iUFOSightings. We have some great UFO videos for you today. We have a UFO that seems to be made out of pure energy. We have multiple clips of this UFO some archived and some present. Then we have some UFO footage from Michigan two clips to be exact. These could possibly be drones but on second thought they look like UFOs because he links are not connected. Next we go to some archived footage. It looks to be an ancient alien object. This very well could be some kind of Aztec object spaceship. Next up more archived footage. This UFO looks like a pyramid that is flying. The material is very interesting. Finally we go to the clip of the week that comes to us from North Dakota. This is shocking UFO footage! If you have any further information on any of these UFOs please leave it in the comments below.
Best UFO Sightings December 2016 Week 3. ©iUFOSightings. Alright in this week’s Best UFO Sightings we have some excellent videos for you. First up we have dash cam footage of a UFO that was captured twice by two different people. Next up we have footage of an Alien Gery Alien Gray caught in a warehouse by an employee. This could quite possibly be a ghost as well. Then we have some leaked UFO footage taken in Russia it is said to be a test flight. Is it reverse alien technology? Ancient Aliens would be proud. Then we have a UFO captured in Las Vegas from a top a building this is surly proof positive as far as UFOs go. Then we have an Alien Space ship that looks like a creature a sea horse perhaps? Finally we have the UFO of the week is this thing alive? It looks like it is a constantly moving UFO. Excellent UFO Footage. If you have any further information on any of these UFO Sightings please leave it in the comments below.
Best UFO Sightings December 2016 Week 2. ©iUFOSightings. Som e of the greatest UFOs from the month in december. We have a UFO spottded in the airport looks to be a test craft. We have a cloaked UFO this thing is huge, We have a UFO that looks like it could psooibly be some kind of Military test. We have a UFO capture in the sky from inside a plane on a smart phone. We have some archived UFO footage for you. We finally have a UFO possible USO captured over the water in clear HD footage. All in all proof positive on these UFO sightings.
Best UFO Sightings December 2016 Week 1. ©iUFOSightings. This week we have some excellent UFO footage for you. We have secret footage taken at an airport of what looks to be a UFO test flight. We have a huge mother ship UFO captured in Texas. This UFO seems to have a cloaking device on it. We have archived UFO footage from the 60’s. The same UFO was also filmed in Mexico and this UFO was also filmed in Michigan. Then we have a cigar shaped UFO captured in a parking lot while the source was at a stop light. Finally we have a UFO over farm land scanning the area. Truly the Best UFO Sightings.
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UFO Documentary November 2016:

Post time: Apr-10-2017
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