
Union Pacific Trains @ Hunter & San Marcos, TX 9/4/2012


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September 4, 2012
San Marcos, TX

In the heart of Central Texas, two Union Pacific railroad lines parallel each other between San Marcos and San Antonio: the former Missouri Pacific line (absorbed by UP in 1982) and the old Missouri-Kansas-Texas line (absorbed by UP in 1988). The MKT line was abandoned in the 1970s, but then saw a return to service in the mid-1990s to accommodate increasing rail traffic on the Central Texas corridor. The MKT line features two historic steel truss bridges that offer photogenic opportunities for train enthusiasts: One of them is located at the Comal River in New Braunfels, and the other is located at York Creek in Hunter, which is the bridge featured in this video.

I began my day at the York Creek bridge, where a northbound UP manifest train came through around 12:30 pm, with an SD60M, No. 2392 leading. A northbound stack container train, led by two SD90MACs, followed about a half hour later, and I concluded the first half of the day with a northbound autorack train shortly after 1pm. I then drove into San Marcos and setup by the river, where I nearly missed getting the shot of a local freight pulling into town, with GP40-2 No. 1536 on the point. I concluded the day with a shot of a southbound manifest train crossing the river.

Train 1: Northbound Manifest
Time: 12:29 PM CDT
Location: Hunter, TX @ F.M. Rd 1102
Motive Power: UP 2392 (SD60M) & UP 5042 (SD70M)

Train 2: Northbound Intermodal
Time: 12:58 PM CDT
Location: Hunter, TX @ F.M. Rd 1102
Motive Power: UP 8064 (SD9043MAC) & UP 8099 (SD9043MAC)

Train 3: Northbound Autoracks
Time: 1:14 PM CDT
Location: Hunter, TX @ F.M. Rd 1102
Motive Power: UP 4342 (SD70M) & UP 7722 (AC45CCTE)

Train 4: Southbound San Marcos Local
Time: 2:34 PM CDT
Location: San Marcos, TX @ C. M. Allen Pkwy
Motive Power: UP 1536 (GP40-2)

Train 5: Southbound Manifest
Time: 4:29 PM CDT
Location: San Marcos, TX @ San Marcos River
Motive Power: UP 4741 (SD70M)

Post time: Jun-19-2017
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