
Urge King County Metro Transit, Exec Constantine: install Transit info signs at readable levels!

Urge King County Exec Constantine to make Seattle/KC Metro Transit signage accessible and readable for everyone! They are installed so high that they cannot be read by anyone who is petite, by kids or by anyone in a wheelchair or motorized cart. That is wrong!
Despite common sense (and input from passengers) Metro Transit staff install bus and train info signage at heights accessible only to people who are tall and or way, way tall.
This is wrong! This signage may violate state and Federal access laws.
Urge King County exec Dow Constantine and Metro Transit General Manager Rob Gannon to have Metro King County transit workers
install bus, train and all other info signage at height levels that are readable by everyone, thanks.
KC executive Dow Constantine is chair of the Sound Transit Board of Directors.
At Seattle’s 5th & Jackson bus and train tunnel station, it’s good that that Sound Transit FINALLY finally installed Orca card readers at platform level – but only at the south end – and in the center of the station.

They FORGOT to place one at the north end by the stairwells, an escalator and elevator. Why must people with kids, packages, in wheelchairs, who are older, etc. be forced to scurry to the center and the far south end if they have entered via the North end entryway escalator, elevator and/or stairwell?
King County online Contact form:


Rob Gannon, Metro Transit General Manager: 206-477-5911
Dow Constantine: 206-263-9600
Seattle campaign for pedestrian safe “All cross-walk” intersections
As Seattle is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States for pedestrians and bicyclists your LIKE click with this Facebook page will send an important message of concern to Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, the Seattle City Council and the Seattle Dept of Transportation.
The focus of the Seattle DOT: maintain vehicular traffic flow. Pedestrian and bicyclists safety are not considered high priority. Wrong!


Post time: Jul-21-2017
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