
Using CRC Brake Cleaner to Clean Your Engine Bay?


I am sure you have heard about having your car engine steam cleaned…..right? Well I am NOT a fan of doing that, and here is why.

1. Your engine could care less if it was dirty or clean. It will NOT help it run better, cooler, more efficient or last longer.

2. You could cause more damage than good. High pressure water sprayed onto delicate electronic sensors is not a good idea. The highly concentrated water pressure can also cause wire connections to come loose.

3. I am VERY gun shy of any used vehicle with a clean and shiny engine. What are you trying to hide from me? An oil leak, rust, coolant leak stains? You will throw up a red flag to an experienced mechanic who might check out your vehicle you are selling.

So, what can you do to keep your engine clean…or cleaner. I recommend using a product by CRC, called Brakleen (part #0589 the Chlorinated version in the red can). It is non flammable, dries almost instantly and uses NO water.

Just spray it on any areas that need to be cleaned of oil and let it dry.

In this video I am demonstrating on a small amount of old used motor oil I poured on the concrete.

Leave your comments and suggestions below.

Austin Davis



Post time: Jun-20-2017
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