
Webinar – Storymakers 2: Producing a Sucessful Video from Sound to Screen – 2016-04-19

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If your nonprofit or library is thinking about jumping into video creation, this is the place to start! Watch the second webinar in our four-part Storymakers 2016 (https://www.techsoup.org/storymakers) series to hear Aaron Bramley from Lights.Camera.Help. and Mark Horvath of Invisible People share their tips on the steps for a successful video shoot.

Now that you’ve gotten your pre-production steps completed, this webinar will tackle the nuts-and-bolts for day-of video production! You’ll learn about:

– Setting up lighting and using natural light
– Microphones and homemade sound booths
– Setting up different shots
– Get tips on interviewing people well
– Using animations instead of live people on film
– Camera tips, including using apps, mobile phones, PowerPoint, or other tools to create your video
– And more!

Post time: Jun-19-2017
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