
Wired remote control to replace RC receiver

1stPal recently commented “I remember when I was in kindergarten I used to play with a toy car that is “wire”guided … Could you make that ? I can hardly see that type of toy in stores nowadays.”. That gave me the idea to fix a faulty radio controlled car by making it a ‘wired’ controller.

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Electronic Projects playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB00lxaX8BD46F1QDJTe7Em4
Radio Control/Remote Control playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB13Xcquw4Ff09MQzTPjeVkI
Wired Remote Control playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5a2xPRSrB0GHy5dTf7Wh_hS_Zb47z-D

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Merchandise – Check both of these links if you are interested as the prices will vary and the shipping charges will be different.



Post time: Jun-13-2017
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