
WRAP Car set on fire, riot police and helicopter patrol suburbs

1. Wide of the neighbourhood, helicopter flying
2. Various of riot police walking
3. Mid of the riot police
4. Riot police walking through neighbourhood and running
5. Helicopter with search light above housing estate
6. Mid of riot police
7. Wide of the street, pan from two protesters to riot police stepping back after forming a line
8. Wide of riot police walking with background audio of stones being thrown and glass breaking
9. Riot police walking forward through housing estate
10. Armed riot police stood on guard
11. Wide of residential building
12. Police walking backwards in formation
13. Close-up of the word “Police” written on police built proof Jacket, pan to the back of riot policeman looking over to the street
14. Wide of firetruck and burning car
15. Firemen on scene
16. Wide of car in flames, pan to firefighters
17. Various of firefighters and car in flames
18. Various of firemen putting out the fire
19. Wide of firemen running alongside fire-engine
Dozens of police officers, wielding riot gear and backed by a helicopter, swept into a housing project in Montfermeil, a neighbouring town to Clichy-sous-Bois, in the southern suburbs of Paris, overnight on Friday.
Elsewhere, marauding youths torched at least two public buses, as police deployed 4,000 reinforcements across France on the anniversary of two
deaths that ignited weeks of riots in the country’s most troubled areas.
Paris’ transport authority curtailed bus services in the Seine-Saint-Denis region north of the capital, which is home to thousands of immigrants and
their French-born children.
France was bracing for a replay of violence in mostly poor suburbs on the one-year anniversary of when two teenagers died in what they thought was a police chase in the town of Clichy-sous-Bois.
One bus was engulfed in flames on Friday in the nearby town of Le Blanc Mesnil, as firefighters deployed to douse the blaze at the foot of a high-rise housing project.
The blackened carcass of another bus that was burned earlier stood across town in Le Blanc Mesnil.
In the south of the capital, a car was also set alight in a quiet residential area.

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Post time: Jun-19-2017
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