
WRAP Protesters gather for NATO summit, Baden-Baden demo ADDS Strasbourg scuffles

(3 Apr 2009) SHOTLIST
Strasbourg, France
1. Line of riot police in street, two officers firing tear gas shells, pan to wide of scene, tear gas fumes filling the air as policemen run towards the area UPSOUND: two explosions
2. Various of riot police UPSOUND: explosion
3. Protesters running at the scene
4. Protesters throwing objects, tear gas smoke in the road UPSOUND: explosion
5. Zoom in from wide to mid of protesters gathered in road
6. Various of chanting, protesters, faces covered by scarves and masks, holding banner reading (French): “Down with NATO” (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
7. Protester holding up red Communist flag and chanting, pan to protesters setting debris on fire
8. Wide of protesters behind burning roadblock
9. Various of burning debris and protesters
10. Wide of scene
Baden Baden, Germany
11. Wide shot of police and protesters
12. Various of protester in crowd being arrested
13. Various of another protester in black being arrested
14. Pan of police vans
15. Protester dressed up in underwear and pink wool hat, dancing around police
16. Group of police at protest
17. Wide shot of police vehicles at protest
Kehl, Germany
18. Police checking Europa bridge between Germany and France
19. Police boat patrolling river
20. Protesters walking on bridge, security officials standing by
21. Female protester holding placard
Strasbourg, France
22. People practicing how to block roads during demonstration, man been carried off the road as part of practice
23. Mid of protesters sitting in middle of road
24. Protest organiser explaining to group of protesters how to behave when police arrives to remove them off road they are trying to block UPSOUND (English): “Then you make yourself heavy.”
25. SOUNDBITE: (English) Jung Meller, Protest organiser:
“We want to shut down NATO, and we want to show this with our actions of civil disobedience.”
26. Wide of protesters camp in Strasbourg, with effigy of “NATO bunny”
27. Mid of NATO bunny with gun
Baden Baden, Germany
28. Close of sign reading: (German) “No to NATO,” pull out to wide of protesters marching
29. Mid of police line, pan to march, protesters holding an anti-NATO banner
30. Pan across police
Police on Friday fired tear gas at a group of several hundred protesters who hurled rocks at officers in Strasbourg on the eve of a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) summit.
It was the first report of conflict on a day of protests in the French city.
Two other cities across the border in Germany experienced small but scattered and peaceful demonstrations.
Police said that the protesters started to burn a makeshift barricade of slats of wood and rubbish bins on a road leading to a camp of demonstrators in the Strasbourg neighbourhood of Neuhof.
In the German spa town of Baden Baden, where US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were meeting, light scuffles broke out, after an earlier peaceful anti-war march.
About 300 people – mostly young adults – walked quietly and slowly from the main train station to the city’s centre, flanked on both sides by a massive phalanx of police, some in riot gear with thick pads, protective vests and helmets and batons.
Police helicopters flew overhead.
But scenes were largely far calmer than the previous night’s scene in Strasbourg.
There, police detained at least 300 people overnight and forced demonstrators back into a tent camp on the edge of the city after protesters destroyed telephone booths and attempted to build barricades before they were stopped, said police.
In the German city of Kehl, traffic continued to move across the Europe Bridge that links France to Germany ahead of its closing and scores of police patrolled the area.

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Post time: Jun-19-2017
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